CleanTech Detail Cleaning Set
CleanTech Detail Cleaning Set
CleanTech Detail Cleaning Set
CleanTech Detail Cleaning Set
CleanTech Detail Cleaning Set
CleanTech Detail Cleaning Set

Coming Soon!

Joseph Joseph

CleanTech Detail Cleaning Set

Brand: Joseph Joseph, Cleaning

Category: Cleaning, Sets

This detail cleaning set features two multi-function cleaning tools, allowing you to get up close and personal with dirt and grime. The set includes a 2-in-1 tile scrubber with an integrated brush for grout lines and a 3-in-1 detail brush featuring a head with both flat and v-shaped bristles and a scraper on the handle tip for thorough cleaning. As well as hand use, the tile scrubber can also be attached to the Joseph Joseph CleanTech extension pole giving you more reach and access to clean awkward areas. Part of the Joseph Joseph CleanTech system, which includes a range of cleaning tools and accessories that help keep your home sparkling and dirt free.

  • Handy set perfect for detail cleaning tasks around the home

  • Set includes: 2-in-1 tile scrubber and 3-in-1 detail brush

  • Detail brush features v-shaped bristles for grout lines and scraper tool

  • Tile scrubber can be attached to Joseph Joseph CleanTech extension pole for more reach

  • Easy-grip, non-slip handles

Product Code6500030

RRP (inc GST)$79.99

Warranty12 months

Product Dimensions H × W × D39.5cm x 17.5cm x 7cm (In Pack)

Product Weight0.84 kg

Packaging Multiple 2 IN 4 OUT

Care Instructions

Wipe clean with damp cloth.