Aspire Can Opener
Aspire Can Opener
Aspire Can Opener
Aspire Can Opener
Aspire Can Opener
Aspire Can Opener


Aspire Can Opener

Glide to goodness with the Wiltshire Aspire Can Opener, nothing should get in the way of opening a can of something delicious. Tough cans are no match for it because it's made from quality stainless steel. Which means it's built to last. You'll never struggle to open a can again! A definite kitchen staple for generations, the easy-turn handle makes opening canned food effortless. A must have for any aspiring home cook.

  • Ideal for prepping

  • Quality stainless steel blade

  • Modern design

  • Handle with soft touch finish

  • Easy turn handle

Product Code44358

RRP (inc GST)$29.99

Warranty12 Months

Product Dimensions H × W × D4.5cm x 5.8cm x 20.2cm

Product Weight0.19 kg

Packaging Multiple 6 IN 48 OUT

Care Instructions

For that extra sparkle we recommend to hand wash in warm soapy water and dry thoroughly. Wash before first use.