Bartender Art Deco' Martini 235ml
Bartender Art Deco' Martini 235ml

Bormioli Rocco

Bartender Art Deco' Martini 235ml

This glass embodies refined vintage aesthetics, adorned with abstract and geometric motifs, showcasing orderly and harmonious textures reminiscent of the rhythm of Jazz music. Its laser-cut rim ensures thinness for a delicate touch, while the pulled stem enhances both elegance and durability, offering resistance against breakage.

  • Enjoy maximum tasting pleasure, thanks to the presence of thin, laser cut rims.

  • Made in Italy

Product Code320-950

RRP (inc GST)$16.99

Product Dimensions H × W × D15.5cm x 9.5cm x 15cm

Product Weight0.17 kg

Packaging Multiple 6 IN 6 OUT

Care Instructions

Dishwasher safe