Fido Jar Blue 750ml

Bormioli Rocco

Fido Jar Blue 750ml

Italy's number 1 glass brand Bormioli Rocco has manufactured an air-tight storage jar with a strong wire-bale closure ideal for dry goods in the pantry. The lid is fitted with a replaceable rubber gasket which creates a tight seal and enables the jar to be used for preserving.

The jar itself is made from durable commercial grade glass stands up to the rigours of a busy kitchen.

  • Air tight jar suitable for canning and preserving

  • Made in Italy

Product Code209486

RRP (inc GST)$19.99

Warranty12 Months

Product Top Diameter10.6 cm

Packaging Multiple 12 IN 12 OUT

Care Instructions

Gasket and metal ring not dishware safe. Gasket and metal ring not microwave safe. Freezer Safe (Min -20°C/-4°F). Not Oven Safe. Hand washing recommended without any cleanser for the gasket and the metal ring.