Luigi Bormioli
Vinoteque Liqueur 120ml
Brand: Luigi Bormioli, Vinoteque
Category: Glassware, Cocktail & Specialty
Stem glass suitable for the universal tasting of liqueurs.
Son.hyx lead free crystal for maximum strength and brilliance
Permanent anti-abrasion treatment on glass stems - Titanium reinforced
Laser cut fine rims
Eco friendly
Made in Italy
Product Code203917
RRP (inc GST)$16.99
Warranty25 Year Guarentee for chipping on the rim or foot and any discoloration.
Product Dimensions H × W × D16.4cm x 5.2cm x 5.2cm (Out of Pack)
Product Weight0.1 kg
Product Top Diameter5.2 cm
Packaging Multiple 6 IN 24 OUT
Dishwasher Safe