Moda Wine 250ml
Moda Wine 250ml
Moda Wine 250ml


Moda Wine 250ml

Enhance your stylish table with the exquisite Moda Glassware. Combining contemporary aesthetics with classic design, this stemware is the perfect accompaniment for any occasion. Crafted with a fully toughened composition, the Moda range boasts exceptional strength, being up to 6 times stronger than standard stemware. Say goodbye to frequent replacements and enjoy the added safety this durable collection brings to your venue. Elevate your dining experience with Moda Glassware.

  • A creative form to help professionals design and serve their cocktails

  • A special approach to cocktail and gin service with its rund body and easy-grip stem

  • Possibility of use for many years with its impact resistant tempered structure

Product Code203200

RRP (inc GST)$11.99

Product Dimensions H × W × D20.8cm x 6.8cm x 6.8cm

Product Weight0.17 kg

Product Top Diameter5.7 cm

Packaging Multiple 12 IN 12 OUT

Care Instructions

Dishwasher safe