Palace Flute 235ml
Palace Flute 235ml
Palace Flute 235ml
Palace Flute 235ml
Palace Flute 235ml


Luigi Bormioli

Palace Flute 235ml

The Palace collection has a classic design and is comfortable in the hand. Engineered to remain clear even after cleaning in the dishwasher. This collection is suitable for the restaurant table as it is for the dinner table at home. The bowl slightly narrows at the mouth and favours a good perception of the aromas and it doses the wine in the mouth for a specific gustatory perception. You can use these stylish wine and drinking glasses at your bar, restaurant or home. No matter how big your party is, these glasses would be an amazing addition to your table.

  • Son.hyx lead free crystal for maximum strength and brilliance

  • Permanent anti-abrasion treatment on glass stems - Titanium reinforced

  • Glass is totally transparent and will remain so for over 4,000 industrial dishwasher cycles

  • Laser cut fine rims

  • Eco friendly

  • Made in Italy

Product Code202148

RRP (inc GST)$16.99

Warranty25 Year Guarantee for chipping on the rim or foot and any discoloration.

Product Top Diameter4.5 cm

Packaging Multiple 6 IN 24 OUT

Care Instructions

Dishwasher Safe