Roma Gin 805ml
Roma Gin 805ml
Roma Gin 805ml
Roma Gin 805ml


Luigi Bormioli

Roma Gin 805ml

On-trend and elegant, this vintage inspired cut-glass design barware from Luigi Bormioli provides a distinctive drinks service that is sure to turn heads. The unique cut-glass pattern brings a touch of luxury to your cocktails. Expertly crafted from professional glass and completely dishwasher safe, these glasses are designed with both domestic and commercial settings in mind. The stems of the glasses are strengthened with a patented anti-abrasion treatment that reinforces the glass surface of the stems with titanium, offering a permanent protection against abrasion and diminishing substantially the fragility of the stem during daily usage.

  • Son.hyx lead free crystal for maximum strength and brilliance

  • Permanent anti-abrasion treatment on glass stems - Titanium reinforced

  • Laser cut fine rims

  • Eco friendly

  • Made in Italy

Product Code200542

RRP (inc GST)$24.99

Warranty25 Year Guarentee for chipping on the rim or foot and any discoloration.

Product Dimensions H × W × D23.5cm x 11.4cm x 11.4cm (Out of Pack)

Product Weight0.27 kg

Product Top Diameter8.5 cm

Packaging Multiple 6 IN 12 OUT

Care Instructions

Dishwasher Safe