Luigi Bormioli
Charme HiBall 480ml - Set 4
With cut-glass design and heavy-weight base the Charme glassware range by Luigi Bormioli is perfect for showcasing all your long and short cocktail creations. The glass has an excellent transparency and does not contain any lead or other heavy metals.
Luigi Bormioli is an Italian manufacturer of extra-clear high quality crystal glass for tableware, with large production facilities in Northern Italy. Technological know-how and manufacturing skills acquired over generations of glassmaking activity, allow Luigi Bormioli to constantly innovate their product range and offer new solutions to the market.
Son.hyx lead free crystal for maximum strength and brilliance
Permanent anti-abrasion treatment on glass stems - Titanium reinforced
Laser cut fine rims
Eco friendly
Made in Italy
Product Code200480
RRP (inc GST)$69.99
Warranty25 Year Guarentee for chipping on the rim or foot and any discoloration.
Product Dimensions H × W × D20.7cm x 9.3cm x 18.5cm
Product Weight1.7 kg
Product Top Diameter7.1 cm
Packaging Multiple 1 IN 2 OUT
Dishwasher Safe