Leafy Tumbler 300ml
Leafy Tumbler 300ml
Leafy Tumbler 300ml
Leafy Tumbler 300ml
Leafy Tumbler 300ml
Leafy Tumbler 300ml


Leafy Tumbler 300ml

The Pasabahce Leafy Old Fashioned Glass, with a 300ml capacity, combines sophistication with durability. Meticulously designed by Pasabahce, these glasses are sure to stand out in any cocktail lounge or restaurant.

  • Soda-Lime Glassware: Made from robust soda-lime glass, these glasses are built for long-term use, promising enduring quality.

  • Dishwasher Safe: Enjoy easy cleanup with dishwasher-safe convenience, making post-entertainment tidying a breeze.

  • Distinctive Design: The Leafy Old Fashioned Glass boasts a unique design that adds elegance to your drink service while providing excellent stability to minimize spills and enhance your drinking experience.

Product Code200232

RRP (inc GST)$9.99

Product Dimensions H × W × D8.5cm x 8.5cm x 9cm (Out of Pack)

Product Weight0.34 kg

Packaging Multiple 4 IN 24 OUT

Care Instructions

Dishwasher safe