Serenity Whiskey 355ml
Serenity Whiskey 355ml
Serenity Whiskey 355ml


Serenity Whiskey 355ml

Introducing our fully toughened glass range. Crafted for both style and durability, this collection effortlessly blends charm with the resilience of toughened glass.
Each piece is designed to withstand the rigors of daily use, promising longevity without compromising on elegance.
Stackable and versatile, our range offers convenience without sacrificing sophistication. Whether you're hosting an intimate dinner or a bustling event, these pieces effortlessly elevate any occasion.

  • Made in Turkey

  • Pasabahce Quality

  • Dishwasher Safe

  • Stackable

  • Toughened Glassware

  • Ideal for bars, pubs and restaurants

  • Sodalime glass

Product Code200227

RRP (inc GST)$9.99

Product Dimensions H × W × D10cm x 9.45cm x 9.45cm

Product Weight0.4 kg

Packaging Multiple 12 IN 24 OUT

Care Instructions

Dishwasher safe