Palette Gin Glass 540ml
Palette Gin Glass 540ml
Palette Gin Glass 540ml


Palette Gin Glass 540ml

The Palette is a new and contemporary collection of cocktail glasses from Ocean, designed to elevate your home bar and transform every drink into a masterpiece. Crafted in Thailand, this sophisticated range features a variety of shapes and sizes, perfect for creating any classic or signature cocktail.

  • Gin Glass (540ml): This generous sized glass is ideal for serving gin and tonics, with ample room for ice and garnishes.

Product Code1533D19

RRP (inc GST)$12.99

Product Dimensions H × W × D18.5cm x 11.5cm x 9.9cm (Out of Pack)

Product Weight0.2 kg

Packaging Multiple 6 IN 24 OUT

Care Instructions

Dishwasher safe